Which Porsche 997 Years To Avoid and Why?(Explained)
The Porsche 997 is better recognized as the Porsche 911, Porsche Carrera.
German automobile manufacturer Porsche AG first introduced its first Porsche 911 sports vehicle model in 1969. But the manufacturer started using Porsche 997 as the internal designation for Porsche 911 between 2004 and 2013.
Therefore, all the Porche 911 sold during this period are considered the Porche 997, and even in this shorter timeline, consumers reported some years’ Porche 911 or 997 models to be problematic.
Read the following article to know which years Porsche 997 models are troublesome, what are the most common problems of them, and which years Porsche 997 are safe.
Porsche 997 Years To Avoid (List of Years)
Porche 997 was referred to as the better-modified version of the Porche 911 model. Porsche AG claims to revise the engine as well as make significant interior and exterior styling while bringing Porche 997 into the market as the 2005 Porche 911 model.
However, that does not mean these models are entirely faultless. Also, based on numerous consumer reports, there are few Porche 997 models to consider as problematic.
What Are The Worst Years Of Porsche 997?
According to the PORSCHE 997 MODEL YEAR COMPARISON report, Porche 997 sports vehicles’ 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2011, and 2012 released yearsare considered problematic. But if you ask which one is the worst, the answer is 2009 Porche.
Let’s understand the real reasons behind considering those models as the worst and why one should avoid considering them-
2004 Porsche 997:
According to the 2004 PORSCHE 911 (997) PROBLEMS & COMPLAINTS representation published on the Carcomplaints.com website, there are 10 complaints reported against these models.
Users mainly encountered one significant problem, and that was engine failure.
However, there is no record of any recalls issued by the brand itself or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
2005 Porsche 997:
According to the 2005 PORSCHE 911 (997) PROBLEMS & COMPLAINTS representation, this year’s Porche vehicle models obtained five complaints.
Most consumers mainly complained about the vehicle’s engine, where they reported noticing scored bores or complete engine failure.
But no recall has been issued by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) or the brand yet.
2006 Porsche 997:
This particular year’s Porche vehicles luckily got 1 complaint reported by the consumers and based on the 2006 PORSCHE 911 (997) PROBLEMS & COMPLAINTS representation, that was again against the vehicle’s engine.
This year’s Porche user reported that the IMS shaft bearing loosened and ruined the engine.
As usual, NHTSA has not officially issued any recall against the 2004 Porche models.
2009 Porsche 997:
According to the 2009 PORSCHE 911 (997) PROBLEMS & COMPLAINTS detailed report, this year’s Porche vehicles got four complaints reported by the consumers.
Consumers mainly stated engine, cooling system, and window or windshield problems. Also, the most highlighted symptoms are engine stalling, leaking hoses, and excess oil consumption.
However, NHTSA has not officially issued any recall against this year’s models either.
2011 Porsche 997:
According to the 2011 PORSCHE 911 (997) PROBLEMS & COMPLAINTS published on the Carcomplaints.com, this year’s Porche got only One complaint reported by the consumers and, that again was against the vehicle’s engine.
The user reported premature battery failure, but no recall has been issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) yet.
2012 Porsche 997:
This year’s models of Porche got four complaints reported by the consumers, based on the 2012 PORSCHE 911 (997) PROBLEMS & COMPLAINTS representation.
These complaints mainly stated window or windshield problems, where users noticed power window not working or system failure.
However, NHTSA has not officially issued any recalls for this year’s models too.
What Makes These Porsche 997 Years Worth Avoiding?
Thus, let’s see what are those most common trouble that one should be well aware of while owning or using a Porche 997-
1. Porche 997’s IMS Bearing Failure:
If you have read my previous discussion on the problematic Porche years models and why they are better to be ignored, you must have already noticed that users reported encountering this particular issue.
It was highly disappointing since the fixing is not cheap, and no one wishes to deal with such expensive servicing for their newly brought vehicle.
When the IMS bearing loosens or fails, it effectively causes catastrophic engine failure, and this issue was significantly visible in the Porche 997’s earliest first-generation models.
Especially in the initial 2006 Porche models, you will experience this problem.
However, the manufacturer has improvised this feature by inserting a stronger factory-fitted IMS bearing, and this problem is no longer available in later released 2006, 2007, and in other later released years.
2. Porche 997’s Scoring Bores Issue:
Another major engine issue is the scoring bores, which commonly occur in Porche 997 vehicles.
According to the user’s real-time experience mentioned on the Carcomplaints website, the dreaded bore scoring issue eventually causing severe damage to the vehicle engine or complete engine failure is well known among the Porche user’s community.
This issue is mainly significantly available in Porche 997’s 2005 model.
But unfortunately, some dealers do not share the information during the sale, and this particular failure ultimately causes the user to replace the entire engine.
According to one user, this replacement can cause someone to spend a minimum of £15,000, which is definitely a costly servicing task.
3. Porche 997’s Cooling System & Window Failure:
Besides engine-related problems or failures, several users have also complained about Porche 997’s defective cooling system and window.
On the Carcomplaints website, Users have reported noticing an enormous wet spot under their car after returning from a short trip, and when they investigated further found that the cooling fluid is gone.
Even after filling up the fluid, users noticed all fluid draining away through the leaked hoses and had to visit the repair shop to fix it. Also, this problem mainly arises in Porche 2009 models.
Another major issue that users experience with the Porche 2009 vehicle, is the window open or close failure.
One user mentioned in the Carcomplaints that the small rear windows of their Porche vehicle tend to stay either open or close when the top is opened or closed.
Even in some cases, both windows fail at the same time, and the only solution is replacing the window set, which can approximately cost nearly $1400.
Which Porsche 997 Models are Safe to Buy Used?
According to the PORSCHE 997 MODEL YEAR COMPARISON representation published on the CarComplaints.com, you can count on the following released years of the Porche series since there are no complaints reported against these models-
- 2007 Porsche 997 (911)
- 2008 Porsche 997 (911)
- 2010 Porsche 997 (911)
- 2013 Porsche 997 (911)
Besides that, if you are looking for better used Porche 911 models, you can go for the following mentioned options too-
- 1969 Porsche 911
- 1990 -2000 Porsche 911
- 2003 Porsche 911
- 2015 -2019 Porsche 911
Should You Buy A Used Porsche 997?
For those who have a budget limit, buying a used Porsche can be an excellent option. However, before you go for a used Porsche, educate yourself so that you do not make an expensive mistake.
The first thing you have to decide is which model year of Porsche 997 you want to buy. We briefly mention the IMS issues. If you buy 997 in 2007 and a letter you should not worry about it since the issue has been resolved in 2006.
Similarly, read about bore scoring and other relevant aspects that may result in engine failure . Bring an expert to inspect the vehicle, who can identify the fault.
Check out the service history. If you buy a Porsche 997 from an individual, he or she might conceal service information about the vehicle. Check all the invoices rather than relying on the seller’s opinion.
We believe you have learned which 997 Porsche year to avoid . You may still have a few questions. We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions that you might find interesting.
What Year Did Porsche Fix The IMS Problem?
The Porsche 911 from the 1997 model year has faced complaints regarding intermediate shaft bearing or IMS problems. The problem was solved the same year. The company comes with its own bearing, which resolves the issue and results in a long engine life.
How Long Do Porsche 911 Engines Last?
Because it depends on your maintenance expertise and your response to any failure, it is difficult to find the precise response to this question. A Porsche 911 is expected to last up to 180000 miles and at least 100,000 miles on average with proper care and maintenance.
Which Porsche 911 Years Are Most Fuel Efficient?
According to reports from 2019, the Porsche 911 has an average mileage per gallon of 25, which is better than the Porsche Macan and Cayenne. On the highway, it can reach up to 30 MPG.
Is The Porsche 911 Expensive To Maintain?
Porsches are somewhat expensive to maintain in terms of maintenance costs. Expensive cars typically cost more to maintain than cheaper vehicles. Porsche 997 is a modern vehicle that offers capability which requires costly maintenance.
Is The Porsche 997 Reliable?
The Porsche 911 has been serving clients with a good reputation for the last 17 years. There might be a few common problems that we mentioned earlier, despite the issues, it is one of the most reliable cars you can purchase.
How Often Does A Porsche 997 Need An Oil Change?
Check the manual. Generally, it is recommended that you change the oil every 10,000 miles or once a year. On the other hand, it is advised to replace the air filter every two years for the engine to run more efficiently.
What Does The S Mean On A Porsche?
“S” in the Porsche 911 means “Super” that indicates its excellent features and powerful engine. while for other models s stands for Sports.
If you are looking for decent quality used sports car, Porche 997 models are an incredible option.
But before you choose between Porche model years, first eliminate the model years, which I have listed as the most problematic ones in today’s article, and then consider your options.
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